What are the advantages and disadvantages of obtaining it Turkish citizenship

One of the advantages of Turkish citizenship is that it is one of the most desirable nationalities, especially in recent times when economic, political and infrastructure development has begun to appear in the world and it has become difficult to ignore this progress at various levels, and further development is expected in the future thanks to the goals of the Turkish government, which is renewed every General and Turkey's entry into the throne of developed countries.

Recently, there have been many discussions about granting Turkish citizenship to Syrians living in many Turkish cities such as (Mersin, Antep, Hatay and Kilis), where the Turkish government sent invitations sent by mail to some people, especially those who have the ability to complete the papers and submit them to the Immigration Office, but some were confused about Take this step or not take it for fear of losing certain benefits through a temporary protection card that entitles him to live in Turkey. Accordingly, we will mention in this article the most important disadvantages and advantages of Turkish citizenship.

Advantages of Turkish citizenship :

  1. One of the best advantages of Turkish citizenship is that it facilitates obtaining papers and documents, renewing documents, and conducting transactions that have become a heavy burden on Syrians, such as (extracting or renewing a passport - proof of marriage - birth registration … etc.).
  2. Can the owner of Turkish citizenship Travel to 70 or more countries around the world without the need to obtain a visa (26 American countries - 11 African countries - 21 Asian countries - 8 European countries - 4 Australian countries ).
  3. Turkish citizenship for foreigners increases job opportunities in all government and private sectors and without the need to obtain a work permit .
  4. People who possess Turkish citizenship can benefit from the retirement law upon reaching the legal age (60 years) or after completing 25 years of service .
  5. Turkish citizenship grants people who have reached the age of 65 the right to benefit from free public transport services (such as railways, marine modes and buses) of municipalities .
  6. The owner of Turkish nationality can retain the Syrian nationality, as Turkey allows people to have another nationality, that is, it allows (dual nationality) .
  7. The possibility of changing certificates and practicing professions prohibited to foreigners such as (law - pharmacy - veterinary medicine - midwifery - private and public security for companies - maritime professions - customs clearance - Noter) or professions that require special permission such as ( education - medicine ).
  8. Opening new work horizons for jobs in other countries with higher wages and more opportunities than if you applied for the same job with Syrian nationality .
  9. Turkish nationals have the right to vote and run for various municipal and parliamentary elections .
  10. Turkish citizenship enables one to integrate into Turkish society and not be subjected to discrimination, especially from some individuals who have a negative view of Syrians .
  11.  The holder of Turkish citizenship has the right to own real estate, as Turkish law prohibits the Syrian from owning real estate in the real personal name, so some people resort to ownership in the name of a legal person such as a company, according to the principle of reciprocity with the Syrian regime, which prohibits Turkish ownership in Syria .

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Disadvantages of Turkish citizenship :

  1. The holder of Turkish citizenship becomes obliged to enlist in the compulsory service in the Turkish army for those who are under the age of service or have not performed service in Syria, and the agreement between the two countries, which includes persons with dual nationalities, stipulates that if those persons perform service in one of the two countries, he is not subject to The law of military service in the second country, bearing in mind that the mandatory service period in Turkey is one year, and work is being done to reduce it for a period of nine months.
  2. Turkish citizenship holders lose some of the benefits of the Temporary Protection Law, such as inspection and free medicines.
  3. Turkish nationals lose the right to benefit from Turkish scholarships.
  4. Turkish nationals lose the right to benefit from the aid provided to the Syrians by international organizations such as the Red Crescent card.
  5. The holder of Turkish citizenship loses the right of asylum to a third country.
  6. Integration into Turkish society and not returning to Syria, especially for children.

What are the stages of obtaining Turkish citizenship?

The stages of naturalization in Turkey go through several steps, and information about it varies from one source to another, but there is no doubt that the security research is considered one of the most important stages of naturalization and determines whether Turkish citizenship will be obtained or not .

  • Turkish citizenship consists of seven stages, starting with the submission of papers and ending with simple procedures for obtaining Turkish citizenship, and these stages are :
  1. The first stage: the stage of registration and approval of the application.
  2. The second stage: Sending the file to the competent General Directorate for examination of the file, as all papers and documents are sent to the capital, Ankara, where they will undergo the stages of naturalization, and studies and information about the owner begin upon his arrival, thus ending the second stage.
  3. The third stage: the initial verification of the file, as it begins with the appointment of a special committee headed by the director of the Turkish Citizenship Department through the Soul Department to review and evaluate the files. If accepted, the files will move to the fourth stage (the study stage), which is the most difficult stage of Turkish citizenship.
  4. Fourth stage: The stage of strengthening oversight and archiving and submitting files to the competent authorities for evaluation, which is the most important stage of Turkish citizenship, which may take several months before a decision is made to move to the fifth stage.
  5. Fifth stage: The file is placed on the naturalization list for approval by the Council of Ministers.
  6. The sixth stage: the decision-making stage of the file.
  7. Seventh stage: notification of the result through the entity where the file was submitted.